Abstract: (16240 Views)
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is introducing modelling and application as a research domain in mathematics education through reviewing related literature. The first purpose of this review is to give a more clear meaning of modelling and application, and base on that, makes the distinction between modelling in mathematics education & modelling in other scientific domains. There are some other terms like Numeracy Quantitative literacy Mathematization and Word Problems that with some tolerance, are taken as equivalent term to modelling. However, modelling has salient differences with every one of them. Second purpose of this paper, is to introduce modelling cycle and its steps. Third, some researches who are working in the domain of modelling and application will be reviewed and then methodology and results of one of them will be mentioned. Finally, several open research questions for future research in the domain of modeling and application will be announced.
Type of Study:
Research |
Accepted: 2017/07/2 | Published: 2017/07/2