Abstract: (4186 Views)
The aim of the present study was to investigate what and how entertainment-based education is in elementary school curricula. The research paradigm was qualitative and research synthesis method. The research population consisted of valid and new research papers, books and research projects in the world and the sampling method was a purposeful method based on criteria. In order to improve the quality of the findings, after the final coding and categorization, the opinions of the professors of the curriculum were used. The logic of the program was explained in the form of a set of philosophical foundations of constructivism. The goals of entertainment-based education included building individual competence, skills training, reducing the digital divide, building interest in education, promoting media literacy, and providing lifelong learning;Teaching and learning strategies included direct instruction, rotational instruction, problem-solving instruction, and exploratory instruction;Evaluation is done in the form of formative evaluation, self-evaluation and final evaluation.
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Received: 2021/03/15 | Revised: 2023/11/17 | Accepted: 2021/08/26 | Published: 2021/10/22