Bahaloo Horeh K, Gooya Z, Arefi M, Fathi Vajargah K. (2022). The Required Knowledge for Mathematics Educators in Preparing Prospective Mathematics Teachers.
نظریه و عمل.
10(19), 49-90.
Abstract: (4296 Views)
A research was conducted using qualitative approach, to identify the required knowledge for mathematics educators that are preparing prospective elementary teachers. Two mathematics educators from “Farhangian University” participated in this study. The data collected from four different sources observation of virtual classes of two participants while teaching multiplication and division of fractions, semi-structred interviews with participant, educators’ lesson plans and first author’s field notes. The classes hold virtually due to the Covid-19 pandamic. After many levels of systematic data reduction, three categories emerged as “the role of educators’ beliefs in teaching mathematicsL, “choosing challenging content for developing conceptual understanding of multiplication and division of fractions and “recognition of misconceptions of elementary students”. As a result, a theoretical framework developed for required knowledge of mathematics educators with four components as “knowledge of mathematics-content”, “knowledge of mathematics curriculum", "knowledge of students’ mathematics misconceptions” and “knowledge of modifying teaching to fit the situation.”
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2021/10/7 | Revised: 2022/10/17 | Accepted: 2022/03/30 | Published: 2022/09/27