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Abstract:   (3158 Views)
The purpose of this research was to describe the perception of primary school teachers on how to help students in instructing of the volume, using the task-based interview method. For this purpose, some tasks was designed and implemented with two general question for six volunteer primary school teachers who had experience in teaching fifth and sixth grades. The answers were analyzed according to the instruction component of the cognitive activation model in the classroom (Kraus et al., 2008). The results showed the lecture method, the less use of concrete representations, different perceptions of the volume definition, spatial limitations and relying on arithmetic representation in solving the task. In total, the results of this research clarify the need of teachers to improve their knowledge in the field of instructing of the volume, and for this purpose, suggestions have been presented.
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2023/07/30 | Revised: 2024/02/16 | Accepted: 2023/09/1

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